Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Ancestry DNA

I submitted a saliva sample to Ancestry DNA. The results were posted to my Ancestry account. So far all I have is an ethnicity estimate, no potential ancestors. The ethnicity estimate held no surprises.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Father's home town family

Tonight I made a new contact with a relative near Bodo,  Norway.  Her grandmother was a sister of my grandfather.  This will  help me fill in some gaps on the family tree.

Friday, May 24, 2013

Fruit for the Tree

Unexpected, but so full of surprises, come the emails and messages with gems of information on our ancestors. Today I received a message via from a decendent of an Israel family that is part of my wife's ancestry. This person was able to provide compelling confirmation of several people in this branch and we now have that Israel family documented to the mid 1600s in Middlesex, England.