Friday, September 10, 2010

Bowen Bros & Holt

This photo would have been made in the 1920s. My grandfather Rawls Coston Bowen operated a grocery store and meat market in Durham, NC. My mother says it was the first such store in Durham to offer home delivery, apparently using the truck seen in this picture. No one seems to know who Holt was, perhaps an investor in the store.

The man in the white hat and dark pants is William Rich Bowen, father of Rawls. The man in the white pants is his son Sam.

The house behind them is where Rawls and Myrtle, my grandparents lived. I remember the house and have a lot of nice memories.

Update 10/20/14: Rawls operated the store with his brother Elbert Dickey Bowen. The partner was J. L. Holt. The store was located at 937 E. Main St. I just found this information in the 1927 City Directory. In the 1934 City Directory Rawls is shown as working in a hosiery mill, and the store is no longer listed.

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