Friday, September 10, 2010

Pruning the Family Tree

One of my daughters (you know its you Kristina) has been urging me to start a blog about my efforts to research our family tree. So, this is it. I will be writing about anything I find interesting or helpful in this endeavor.

I'll be relating funny or interesting stories, sharing about software and web sites I find useful, providing links, and just rambling about family trees in general.

Let me say right from the start, I find this effort is tending to consume me. My wife says that whenever I take an interest in something, it has a way of becoming an obsession. She is probably right.

I began this effort May 30, 2010. I saw a TV commercial for I had often thought about doing genealogy work on our families and that commercial sparked it. I went to the computer and subscribed. Within minutes I had roughed in a starter tree. Now, about three months later I have 2749 people in my database.

Most of the people I have in the database I feel very confident should be there. A few I am very skeptical belong. I even have a couple of "floating islands" of folks who are connected to each other, but I have not been able to establish a link to one of our lines.

These islands have sometimes been created when I broke a link based on data I found later.

Now that I have the past three or four generations pretty well documented for all of our lines, I am focusing on going back and cleaning up bad data, correcting when I find new data, and not so much on trying to push back in time.

I have made contact with many other researchers interested in some of the same lines I am working on. We are sharing information.

So, this gets the blog started. I'll probably be posting a lot initially to share what I have encountered so far.

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